Tag Archives: mannequins

Turkey: More Than Meat

23 Apr


Just wanted to let you guys know that Beattie is going to be on the tele tonight as a posh lesbian dj living with David Haig (typecast). It’s called ‘The Wright Way’, it’s written by Ben Elton and it’s on BBC1 tonight at 10:35. Watch it!


We can’t watch it, because we’re on hol- we mean a writing retreat in Turkey! Here are some of our favourite snaps so far…

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Favourite phrases from the hol- writing retreat are:

Camille: Deniz urunlerine alerjim var. I’m allergic to shellfish.

Beattie: Beni sadece seks icin kullaniyorsun. You’re just using me for sex.

Rose: Hey, Spice Girls, you like cheese? Hey, buy my cheese English girls.